I’m building an off-grid cabin in the desert.

I have no professional construction experience. I’m just a guy with access to YouTube, some power tools, and a want to learn.

If you’re ever visiting Big Bend National Park and need a place to stay, let me know. I’ve got some work and a couple cold cervezas waiting for you.

Trip number one- Prospecting. Finding the future site for the cabin. Also, this is my first born and the namesake of Big Bear Ranch.

Trip number two- Breaking rocks in the hot sun. Stanley Yelnats was right, digging holes in rocky “soil” is very hard work.

Trip number three- Did you know that it snows in West Texas? Me neither. Black Friday was white this year for me. After enjoying a snow day, I rebuilt the foundation and floor system.

Trip number four- YouTube was right- Building is like a puzzle, except heavier. A lot heavier.

Trip number five- What OSHA doesn’t know won’t hurt them. I spent another week alone, building the rafters and installing the roof. This time entirely without internet or cell service.

Trip number 6- Goodbye shed, hello cabin. It’s amazing what a little lot of siding, doors, windows, and finished roof will do to make a place feel more homey. And dry.

Trip number 7- Things are getting cozier. My girlfriend, Olivia, has been appointed Chief Cozy Officer- it was a unanimous vote. First order of business requires, at a minimum, insulation, electricity, and a proper outdoor shower (not pictured). It’s a long road ahead, but things are starting to feel more like a house.

Trip 7 P.S.- I also built a picnic table for our Thanksgiving dinner (set for 3). There’s much to which I give thanks. On this Thanksgiving, pawn shops with power tools made it onto the list.

By design, this is a forever work in progress.